Click on each video to play. Click on the symbol in the bottom right corner the play full screen. A brief description of the content of each lesson accompanies the video.
035 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is a time signature. This lesson explains what time signature is and where is will be located on the staff.
036 Grade 1 Music Theory - The meaning of the top number of a time signature. This lesson explains the top number of the time signature and how it effects the timing of the music.
037 Grade 1 Music Theory - The bottom number of a time signature. This lesson explains how the bottom number of a time signature effects the rhythm of music.
038 Grade 1 Music Theory - Simple time signatures. This lesson explains that 2-4 3-4 and 4-4 are all simple time signature and how this affects the music.
039 Grade 1 Music Theory - Simple Quadruple time, or 4-4. This video explains the most common time signature for music and gives a demonstration of how this will feel.
040 Grade 1 Music Theory - Simple triple time, or 3-4. This video explains the how the 3-4 time signature will affect the music and gives a demonstration of how this will feel.
041 Grade 1 Music Theory - Simple duple time, or 2-4. This video explains the how the 2-4 time signature will affect the music and gives a demonstration of how this will feel.
042 Grade 1 Music Theory - Common time signatures This video explains the how the common time signature is written and how to learn what it means.
043 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to fit the various note values in a bar of music.
044 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to semibreves (whole notes) in a bar of music.
045 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to minims (half notes) in a bar of music.
046 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to crotchets (quarter notes) in a bar of music.
047 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to quavers (eighth notes) in a bar of music.
048 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to fit more complex patterns of quavers (eighth notes) in a bar of music
049 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count the rhythm of a bar of music.
050 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count semibreves (whole notes) in a bar of music.
051 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count minims (half notes) in a bar of music.
052 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count crotchets (quaver notes) in a bar of music.
053 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count quavers (eighth notes) in a bar of music.
054 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count more quavers (eighth notes) in a bar of music.
055 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count even more quavers (eighth notes) in a bar of music.
056 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to count more complex quaver (eighth notes) rhythms in a bar of music.
057 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are ties and how they effect the music.
058 Grade 1 Music Theory - Examples of the use of ties in written music.
059 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains what rests are.
060 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains semibreve (whole note) rests and how to write and use them.
061 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains minim (half note) rests and how to write and use them.
062 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains minim (half note) rests and how to write and use them.
063 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains crotchet (quarter note) rests and how to write and use them.
064 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains quaver (eighth note) rests and how to write and use them.