Click on each video to play. Click on the symbol in the bottom right corner the play full screen. A brief description of the content of each lesson accompanies the video.
000 Grade 1 Music Theory - Welcome to the theory course.
001 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are notes. This lesson explains what is Meant by the word 'Note," and its importance to a musician.
002 Grade 1 Music Theory - The Musical Staff. This lesson explains the system used for writing music.
003 Grade 1 Music Theory - The History of the Musical Staff. This lesson briefly explains how we ended up with today's system of writing music.
004 Grade 1 Music Theory - What does the word 'Pitch' mean. This lesson explains what is meant by the term 'pitch', and how notes rely on pitch.
005 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is the difference between the two terms of frequency and pitch.
006 Grade 1 Music Theory - Names given to notes. The lesson explains the first step in understanding the names of notes used in music.
007 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to draw notes on the staff. Learn what to do and what not to do when you draw the head of a note on the staff.
008 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is a 'Clef'. This lesson explains what a clef is, and where it is located on the music.
009 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to Draw a Treble Clef. This lesson show in detail how to draw a treble clef on the music staff.
010 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to learn and remember the notes that fall on the lines of the treble staff.
011 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to learn and remember the notes that fall in the spaces of the treble staff.
012 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to draw and position a bass clef correctly on the staff.
013 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to learn and remember the notes that fall on the lines of the bass staff.
014 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to learn and remember the notes that fall in the spaces of the bass staff.
015 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are Leger lines, how to draw and use them correctly.
016 Grade 1 Music Theory - Extra leger line notes, above and below the treble staff.
017 Grade 1 Music Theory - Extra leger line notes, above and below the bass staff.
018 Grade 1 Music Theory - Finding middle C compared to the treble staff.
019 Grade 1 Music Theory - Finding middle C compared to the bass staff.
020 Grade 1 Music Theory - Construction of the great or grand staff. How the treble and bass clef join together and the use of the brace to connect them.
021 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is a beat?
022 Grade 1 Music Theory - Lesson on how the lengths of notes are measured.
023 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are Semibreves and Whole Notes?
024 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are minims and half notes?
025 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson explains what are crotchets and quarter notes.
026 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson demonstrates the Quaver and eighth notes.
027 Grade 1 Music Theory - Comparing the values of each of the 4 main notes, Semibreves, minims, crotchets and quavers.
028 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson demonstrates how to draw notes on the staff with the correct stems.
029 Grade 1 Music Theory - This lesson demonstrates how to draw quavers on the staff with the stems joined correctly.
030 Grade 1 Music Theory - This video explains he difference between beats and rhythms in music.
031 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are bar lines and bars in music.
032 Grade 1 Music Theory - Double bar lines. This video explains what they are and where you will find them on the staff.
033 Grade 1 Music Theory - Dotted Notes. This video explains how a dot to the right of the note head changes the length of the note.
034 Grade 1 Music Theory - Drawing dots next to notes. Peter demonstrates where to draw the dots next to the notes.