Click on each video to play. Click on the symbol in the bottom right corner the play full screen. A brief description of the content of each lesson accompanies the video.
096 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is a scale. This lesson explains what a scale is, a little on the history of scales and why they are very important to music.
097 Grade 1 Music Theory - The major scale - the foundation scale. This lesson show how a major scale is constructed and why it is the most important scale to understand.
098 Grade 1 Music Theory - Constructing the C Major Scale.
099 Grade 1 Music Theory - Constructing the F Major Scale.
100 Grade 1 Music Theory - Constructing the G Major Scale.
101 Grade 1 Music Theory - What does it sound like? The Major Scale
102 Grade 1 Music Theory - Writing a C Major Scale on both the treble and the bass staves.
103 Grade 1 Music Theory - Writing a F Major Scale on both the treble and the bass staves.
104 Grade 1 Music Theory - Writing a G Major Scale on both the treble and the bass staves.
105 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are Key Signatures?
106 Grade 1 Music Theory - The key signature for C Major. This lesson explains the key signature for C Major.
107 Grade 1 Music Theory - The key signature for F Major. This lesson explains the key signature for F Major.
108 Grade 1 Music Theory - The key signature for F Major. This lesson explains the key signature for F Major.
109 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are scale degrees?
110 Grade 1 Music Theory - The Sol Fa System of scale degrees. This video explains the Sol Fa system and how it relates to scale degrees.
111 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is the Tonic of a music? This lesson explain the importance of knowing the tonic of a piece of music.
112 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is meant by the terms 'Harmony" and "Melody", and how they differ from each other.
113 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are intervals?
114 Grade 1 Music Theory - Naming Intervals.
115 Grade 1 Music Theory - The Quantity of an Interval.
116 Grade 1 Music Theory - The Quantity of an interval.
117 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is a Chord?
118 Grade 1 Music Theory - What are triads? (the foundation of all music.
119 Grade 1 Music Theory - The C Major Triad
120 Grade 1 Music Theory - The F Major Triad
121 Grade 1 Music Theory - The G Major Triad
122 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is meant by "Transposition".
123 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to Transpose using scale degrees
124 Grade 1 Music Theory - How to Transpose using intervals.
125 Grade 1 Music Theory - Demonstration of transposing a melody