Click on each video to play. Click on the symbol in the bottom right corner the play full screen. A brief description of the content of each lesson accompanies the video.
126 Grade 1 Music Theory - Introduction to the terms used in music.
127 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term 'piano' and how it effect the music.
128 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term 'forte' and how it effect the music.
129 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "crescendo' and how it effect the music.
130 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Decrescendo" and how it effects the music.
131 Grade 1 Music Theory - What does the term "tempo" mean and how it effects the music.
132 Grade 1 Music Theory - Positioning tempo indications on the music.
133 Grade 1 Music Theory - Measuring the tempo of the music.
134 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Adagio" and how it effects the music.
135 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Andante" and how it effects the music.
136 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Moderato" and how it effects the music.
137 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Allegro" and how it effects the music.
138 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Presto" and how it effects the music.
139 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "Accelerando" and how it effects the music.
140 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "rallentando" and how it effects the music.
141 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "ritandando" and how it effects the music.
142 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "ritenuto" and how it effects the music.
143 Grade 1 Music Theory - The term "a tempo" and how it effects the music.
144 Grade 1 Music Theory - The terms "legato and staccato" and how they effect the music.
145 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is "Aural learning and training" and why it is vital to becoming a good musician
146 Grade 1 Music Theory - What is meant by "Perfect Pitch" and "relative pitch"
147 Grade 1 Music Theory - The final lesson for this level is a summary of what you have learned in this course.